Liberty Forged

the State has no money of its own, so it has no power of its own. ` Nock

Posts Tagged ‘biden’

Obama – Wake up! “You can’t change what you don’t confront.”

Posted by Jesse on January 20, 2009

Looking for some antidotes to the powers that be? Want to know more?

True change requires revolution because you can’t solve the problem with the thinking that created it.

Young Americans For Liberty

Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) is the continuation of Students for Ron Paul (SFP). In less than 8 months, SFP established over 500 college and high school chapters in all 50 states and over 26,000 students joined the Ron Paul 2008 campaign.

With this network, YAL seeks to recruit, train, educate, and mobilize students on the ideals of liberty and the Constitution. This is not a new beginning but a continuation of a youth movement already brewing in this country. Our objective is to facilitate its success.

The Peaceful Transfer of Violent Power

Apologists for government undertake bizarre mental contortions to show that we have consented to be taxed. Balderdash. I was never asked to consent, and I’m sure you weren’t either. I refuse to accept the nonsensical argument that by not vacating the parcel of land I purchased, I have signaled my “tacit consent” to be plundered and bullied. That implies the government owns the territory it rules and therefore can set the conditions under which it is used. That sounds like feudalism. Are we merely tenants of the governmental landlord?

Biden, Iraq, and Obama’s Betrayal

Early in his presidential campaign, Obama pledged to not only end the war in Iraq, but to challenge the mindset that got the United States into Iraq in the first place. Choosing Biden as his running mate, however, raises doubts regarding Obama’s actual commitment to “change we can believe in.”

Posted in *Take Action, afghanistan, america, anarcho capitalism, anarchy, antiwar, barack obama, campaignforliberty, capitalism, central banking, collectivism, congress, Constitution, culture, Current Events, democrat, economics, Education, election 2008, federal reserve, free market, government, history, international, iran, iraq, Libertarian, Libertarianism, life, limited government, media, middle east, news, obama, old right, panarchy, personal, philosophy, Politics, Pro Market, republican, revolution, Rights, Ron Paul, Rothbard, senate, socialism, society, Video, writing | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »